Restores and strengthens the altered vaginal microbiota in vulvo-vaginal infections and recurrent infections. Either alone or as an adjuvant to anti-infective treatment.
What Seidibiotics Plus is
Seidibiotics Plus is an oral symbiotic food supplement containing live lactic ferments and inulin, which favours their growth and survival.
The strains L. gasseri and L. crispatus, L. acidophilus and L. fermentum contained in Seidibiotics Plus are part of the normal vaginal microbiota and the strain L. casei forms part of the intestinal microbiota.
Evidence suggests an interrelationship between intestinal and vaginal dysbiosis due to the migration of bacteria from the intestinal lumen to the vaginal area.
Vaginal dysbiosis is a common situation in women, as it can result from a variety of different factors, such as lifestyle (poor diet, stress, etc.), antibiotic treatment, use of oral contraceptives, hormonal changes, metabolic disorders, vaginal surgery, etc.
Ingredients per capsule
Inulin: 175 mg
Live lactic ferments: 275 mg
*cfu = colony forming units
Method of administration
Carretera de Sabadell a Granollers Km 15 08185 Lliçà de Vall (Barcelona, Spain)
+34 93 844 57 30
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