6 tips to maintain good intimate hygiene and prevent infections

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The female intimate area is delicate and susceptible to imbalances that can trigger infections and irritations. That is why attention and specialised care is so important.

Maintaining good intimate hygiene helps prevent common infections such as candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis and urinary tract infections. In addition, proper care of the intimate area helps to maintain a balanced pH and respect the vaginal microbiota, which is essential for optimal functioning and protection against pathogens.

Taking care of your intimate area is an act of self-care and well-being. In this article, you will discover practical tips and products designed to maintain good intimate hygiene and prevent infections, giving you confidence and comfort in your day-to-day life.

Tips for maintaining good intimate health

Wear cotton underwear and avoid synthetic materials

Opting for cotton underwear is a smart choice for maintaining good intimate health. Cotton is a breathable material that allows better air circulation in the intimate area, which helps prevent moisture build-up and reduces the risk of vulvar irritation and intimate infections.

On the other hand, you should avoid synthetic materials, such as nylon or polyester, as they tend to trap moisture and create an environment conducive to bacterial growth.

During the summer months, as well as opting for cotton underwear, it is also crucial to avoid spending too much time in wet swimwear to prevent the proliferation of bacteria and fungi. If you quickly change into dry clothes when you get out of the water, you allow the intimate area to breathe and dry properly, reducing the chance of developing irritation or urinary tract infections.

Proper cleaning

Proper cleansing is essential to prevent infection and improve your intimate well-being. Always make sure to wipe from front to back to avoid dragging bacteria from the anal area to the vulvovaginal area, thus reducing the risk of infection.

Also, when drying yourself after using the toilet, it is advisable to use soft, unscented toilet paper and avoid vigorous rubbing.

Sexual intercourse, hygiene practices to avoid infections

Washing the intimate area before and after sex is a practice that can have multiple benefits for intimate health. Before intercourse, proper cleansing helps to remove any urine, vaginal fluids or bacteria that may be present in the area.

After sex, intimate hygiene is also essential to remove any semen, lubricants or body fluids that may be left in the genital area. Doing so helps to reduce the presence of bacteria and prevent infection.

Don’t overdo intimate waxing

It is essential to be cautious about excessive hair removal in the intimate area. Although the choice to wax is a personal one, it is essential to remember that pubic hair serves important functions, such as protecting the intimate area from bacteria, reducing chafing from clothing and stopping perspiration. Removing all pubic hair can increase the risk of irritation and infection.

If you decide to wax, consider options that maintain a balance and do not remove all hair. For example, partial hair removal or using less aggressive techniques may be alternatives to maintaining adequate protection and care of the intimate area.

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Avoid douching and scented products

The vaginal microbiota is a combination of beneficial bacteria and microorganisms that maintain pH balance and protect against infection. Douching can remove some of these beneficial bacteria, leaving the vagina vulnerable to infections such as bacterial vaginosis or candidiasis.

Also, the use of perfumed products can irritate the area, further upsetting the natural balance and increasing the risk of irritation and infection.

Instead of douches and scented products, it is recommended to opt for mild, unscented products with a suitable physiological pH, specifically designed for intimate hygiene.

Use appropriate intimate hygiene gels

Maintaining good intimate hygiene is essential to prevent infections and promote the health of the genital area. To do this, it is recommended to use a gentle intimate hygiene gel specifically designed for this delicate area, avoiding products with perfumes or aggressive ingredients that may alter the pH and vaginal microbiota.

Wash gently with lukewarm water and a natural intimate gel with a physiological pH for daily use, making sure to cleanse the entire external genital area thoroughly, and then dry properly to avoid moisture that can encourage the growth of unwanted bacteria. By following these tips, you can maintain proper intimate hygiene and feel comfortable, fresh, safe and protected.

For good daily intimate care, it is important to have a reliable partner. Our SeidyGEL® PRE intimate hygiene gel with prebiotics is specially formulated for daily use, maintaining the balance of the vaginal microbiota and preventing infections. Its advanced formula, which respects the physiological intimate pH, fights infections and provides a pleasant sensation of freshness and well-being in the female intimate area.

It is always important to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Each woman may have specific intimate care needs, so it is essential to receive personalised medical attention.